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John Evan

• UX/UX Designer • Web Developer • Brand/Logo • Backend Engineer • Designer • UX/UX Designer • Web Developer • Brand/Logo Designer • Backend Engineer

I am a developer without fear on using future tech to achieve anything, I mainly focus on motion design, micro-interactions and UX design that might look like an eye candy but enhances the experience of every user.

More about me

I used Figma mainly for the markup design, Excalidraw for the moodboard and ideas, and Adobe XD for the prototyping.

UI/UX design

I'm using the following tools
  • React,Vue,Qwik and Svelte
  • Motion one
  • Framer motion
  • GSAP and AnimeJS
  • Vite and NextJS
  • Front-End Development

    I use pretty much NextJS and NuxtJS since they're both fullstack frameworks, but whenever I just want to spin up a fast api backend or just do a full blown one, I use robust frameworks like express or fastify, Go when couroutines is needed and Rust for memory safety.

    Backend Development

    Almost all the things I used for frontend with a sprinkle of magic for css like Tailwind for fast iteration, sass for more robust and more control, css modules for scoped styles, unocss for treeshaking and purging.

    Motion Design

    Let me translate your idea into a reality with a little sprinkle of my sugar on top in an unusual yet aesthetic way without compromising user experience


    Airbnb Clone


    Creative Menu


    Micro Blogsite


    Awwwards style Portfolio


    Have an Idea already?

    Let's build it now